Llyfrgell Adnoddau Digital Communities Wales (DCW)

  • 2.1 Libraries in Wales Meeting 1

  • 2.2 Libraries in Wales Meeting 2

  • 2.3 Libraries in Wales Meeting 3

  • 3.1 Device Loan Scheme Guide - DCW Cwmpas

  • 3.2 Cynllun Benthyg Dyfeisiau - DCW Cwmpas

  • 4.1 Deall Jargon DCW

  • 4.2 DCW Jargon Buster A-Z Worksheet

  • 5. Online Safety Top 10 (Bilingual)

  • 6.0 Mainstreaming Digital Inclusion across Libraries

  • 6.0 Prif-ffrydio Cynhwysiant Digidol ar draws Llyfrgelloedd

  • 6.1 Recruiting and Supporting Digital Volunteers in Libraries

  • 6.1 Recriwtio a Chefnogi Gwirfoddolwyr Digidol mewn Llyfrgelloedd

  • 6.2 Grants and Contracts Guide WCVA

  • 7.0 Activity Card Concept

  • 8.0 Library Resources - Devices

  • 8.0 Adnoddau Llyfrgell - Dyfeisiau

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